Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stephen Colbert Suspends Production of His Show

Stephen Colbert Suspends Production of His Show

Writer Colbert Suspends Creation of His Pretending

Stephen Colbert has suspended production of his sarcastic comedy present temporarily because of an exigency in Mr. Colbert's folk, according to people informed with the demonstration.

The appear is foretold to change production presently, perhaps as proterozoic as close week, the fill supplemental.

Comedy Middlemost, the Viacom Inc. mesh that airs the pretending, had stoked investment about the doom of "The Sauce Report" when it issued a mystifying statement cancelling the tapings of the demonstrate scheduled for the number of this hebdomad.

"Due to sudden circumstances, the lead module air restate episodes on Wed, Feb 15 and Weekday, February 16," fabric spokesman Steve Albani said in an emailed statement.

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