Thursday, February 16, 2012



Hana Wins Concord of KEB Staff After Takeover, Avoidance Achieve
Feb. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Hana Business Meet Inc. won validation from employees of Korea Commerce Bank, the assort it bought this month, averting a affect after assuring them it give keep staff and run the investor independently.

Hana and the workers' u.s. at the depository celebrated as KEB agreed to sustain the existing pay method, Hana said in a statement today. They may statesman discussing a unification between the group's Hana Ridge organization and KEB fin life from now, it said.

Hana parting week complete its 4.4 1000000000000 won ($3.9 1000000000) acquisition from Unaccompanied Topology Assets and Goods Substance Give of Korea, after the wad had been abeyant for writer than a twelvemonth by eligible disputes, restrictive hurdles and opponent by KEB workers. Today's accord should grant Hana Head Kim Seung Yu to accomplish a silklike integrating, according to Daishin Securities Co.

"It's optimistic in that they avoided the worst-case scenario -- a protest at KEB," said Choi Jung Wook, a Seoul- based analyst at Daishin. "Former normalization of businesses is satisfactory for Hana and KEB."

KEB workers had been asking Hana for guarantees of job safeguard and sovereign management of the camber, threatening litigate including a excise if their demands weren't met by today.

"KEB's fine earthborn resources is one of the largest reasons why we wanted the slope and we require them to head Hana a globally contending business reserves," Kim told reporters today. "Piece possession the two banks abstracted, we'll uphold to seem for slipway to create activity and cooperation between Hana Stockpile and KEB."

Shares of Hana wine 1.1 pct to 41,450 won at 1:30 p.m. in Seoul trading and KEB gained 1.9 proportion to 8,160 won. The criterion Kospi forefinger innovative 1.5 pct.

Hana may meditate maximising its portion in KEB in the future, Kim said, while adding that there are no close plans to do so. He said he module support downfield as chairperson erst his constituent ends in Resist and asked the company's internecine committee to look for a commutation.

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