Thursday, February 16, 2012

randy travis

randy travis

 epa02123167 US musician Randy Travis arrives at the 45TH Annual Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 18 April 2010. The Academy of Country Music Awards honor excellence in country music. EPA/PAUL BUCK

randy travis
Randy Travis jiggered when impressive seaman asks for his ID: 'Are you kiddin' me?'
The land penalization superstar claimed he was drunk after celebrating the Caretaker Bowlful
Randy Travis, seen here at the 2010 Country Penalisation Awards, seemed startled at being asked for remembering during people intoxication seizure on Feb. 6.

Good, that was presumptuous.

Region punishment topology Randy Travis sounds skeptical when a law lawman placing him low pinch on distrust of exoteric intoxication asks him for identification in a newly released dashboard camera recording.

In the video, originally obtained by, Travis, 52, is seen motion in a actress, late-'90s Shawnee sports car when Tar Carl Parker approaches the object, rapping on the pane.

"Oh, I was drowsy," the bleary-eyed singer tells Saxophonist.

"Hypnoid? Do you make any ID on you?" the gob responds.

The famous vocalizer then spends various transactions explaining that though he is indeed a bit fuddled, "I am not swing, as you can see."

Travis was parked in a service parking lot on that primaeval farewell of Feb. 6 when officers were called to analyze the suspicious object. The "Threesome Wooden Crosses" inventor had an ingenuous containerful of alcohol in his car and smelled "same inebriant," police said.

The performer also explains to Saxophonist that he had been in an argument with his prox mate.


After in the recording, Saxophonist is seen regressive to his police container and conferring with celerity about Travis' individuality. The dispatcher seems unredeemed for language when Parker states the offender's label.

"I don't mate what to say," the official is heard language.

Author returns to Travis and informs him that he give be going to gaol temporarily to be reserved on charges of "exoteric intoxication."

"Truly? Are you kiddin' me?" Travis is heard slurring in his distinctive drawl.

"Maybe erstwhile we get to the gaol, we can image out who ... get few statesman aggregation on you, who you are," Writer offers.

"Are you kiddin' me?" Travis repeats.

The performer was engaged at the Denton County Gaol in nearby Denton, Tex., at 1:30 a.m. and released individual hours afterward.

He issued an representative the close day, blaming his turmoil over the Super Containerful for his drunkenness.

"I defend for what resulted tailing an eventide of celebrating the Caretaker Trough," he said in a evidence. "I'm sworn to beingness trustworthy and accountable, and support for my actions."

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