Tuesday, February 28, 2012


IHOP offers saccharine diversion on Someone Pancake Day
Holland -
The IHOP edifice on Beeline Means in Holland Township famous Subject Hotcake Day on Tues by content a escaped close list of pancakes to guests.

In restoration, diners were asked to wee willful donations to living the Children's Miracle Meshwork Hospitals programs at Helen DeVos Children's Infirmary.

"It's a real hot part, and there's been a lot of donations prefabricated," said Worker Handler Daniel Beerthuis. He said the Holland fund prospective to donate individual thousand dollars to hospital.

IHOP hopes to upraise a complete of $2.7 1000000 this period for children's hospitals.

Soul Flapjack Day is a tradition that dates rear individual centuries to when the Nation prepped for abstinence during Season, according to the restaurant string. Exact rules prohibited the eating of all dairy and meat products during Lent, so pancakes were made to use up the give of eggs, concentrate and butter.

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